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  • FRISS KÉPEK Boszniából
képek, videók

Indulás: 2007-11-22
Kedvcsináló IT


Recentemente siamo stati fortunati per poter visitare la Bosnia diverse volte con dei gruppi minori e maggiori a fare qualche ricerca se ci sono davvero delle piramidi a Visoko? Ebbene se ci siano, come sono? Allora, questo é ció che abbiamo trovato:


Anche se non possiamo vedere un'immagine di una piramide tale come in Egitto o Messico, riusciamo a trovare definitivamente tutte le prove che dimostrano che si tratta di piramidi ancora coperte dal suolo, alberi e cespugli, e non si tratta solo di piramide, ma inoltre qui si trova la piramide piú vecchia e piú alta conosciuta al mondo.

Gli archeologi hanno trovato un sistema di tunnel sotto terraneo che é caratteristico di piramidi. L'orientamento del lato nord della Piramide del Sole ha un errore di 0 gradi, 0 minuti e solo 12 secondi in riferimento al vero Nord.

The archeolgists have found an underground tunnel system, which is characteristic about pyramids, the North-South orientation of the pyramids are more perfect than that of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and the "mountains" if we remove the soil are covered by huge stone blocks that could not be formed naturally, they are definitely artificial, of such a good quality that humans today cannot produce. According to the radiocarbon dating exams, these pyramids are about 12.000 years old.


It was Dr. prof. Semir Osmanagic, who discovered the Valley of the Pyramids in Visoko in Bosnia in 2005 and called them the pyramids of the SUN, MOON, DRAGON, LOVE and the Temple of Mother EARTH. The Professor spends a lot of time in Visoko, it is not rare to meet him around the tunnel and he is always very helpful and nice to share information.

The tops of the pyramids of the MOON, SUN and DRAGON form an equilateral triangle. Their position suggests a really highly advanced technological and astrological knowledge. At sunset the shadow of the Sun pyramid slowly covers the Moon pyramid in a way that nature cannot produce.

If one wants to explore the pyramids, must be prepared for quite an excursion with proper shoes to climb the steep parts but whoever came with us so far, all have confirmed that they did not get tired as they expected after such a hiking because the energy there really helps and it is also fun, a real team building activity to get to the top.

There are three geometrical forms that absorb and transmit energy: pyramid, cone (called tumulus in archeology) and sphere. All three can be experienced in Bosnia.



The Tumulus used to be covered with a  surfcace with really special patterns, probably running in a spiral form around.

The real experience comes on the top where the radiation of the energy is focused and strongest.


Huge stone spheres have been found in different places all over the world and here we go with the ones in Bosnia, near Zavidovici. There are around 20 huge stone balls resting peacefully in the bed of a stream surrounded by trees. No idea what civilization left them for us but they are said to have healing power.

Nature in itself is already breathtaking, water running in the stream, the rays of the sun playing among the branches of the trees and on top of all there are the huge stone balls with their peace .. they simply must be seen and felt!


One might think that this is all but there is more to be explored... There is a place without any negative radiation, where the negative radiation of the mobiles get neutralized, where a constant value of 7.83Hz is measured all the time (Schumann resonance), where harming viruses and bacteria cannot survive and even though this place is under the surface of the ground with only one entrance, the concentration of the oxygen is higher than outside, the air is fresh even after walking hundreds of meters deep inside, the number of the negative ions reaches 13.000/cm3 in certain spots and the values of the BOVIS scale are between 20.000-40.000 (in some places even more) ... and this place is the Ravne tunnel in Visoko supposingly connecting the pyramids.

The atmosphere is so positive here that it has been proved to be a healing place, specially for those who suffer from asthma, or any kind of respiratory system problems...


The true miracles are the huge Megalith stones older than 32.000 years producing oxigen and vibrating healing energy resulting in peaceful mind, less emotions, regeneration of the cells of the human mody. Spending some time in the tunnel is really good for depression, several illnesses etc.

The average temperature in the tunnel is  constantly 12,5  Celsius degress regardless what season it is. In certain spots the Ultrasound measurements show values between 28-40kHz (based on an experiment, we know that ping-pong balls start to levitate at 28kHz). Well this does not mean that any of us would levitate there but we definately feel lighter, this atmosphere is perfect for relaxation, meditation.


The tunnel can be visited in helmets, in groups of max. 20 people, with tour guides if requested. Entrance fee is 5 euros. .

/ a fenti képek 2013. október-novemberében készültek/

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